Understanding Your Bill

A Summary of Your Bill
Your HCSA service bill reflects the volume of water and/or sewerage that your facility has used over the past billing cycle. There is a base charge for the service(s) provided. This charge will occur whether or not any water and/or sewer services are used during the billing period. You may also notice a landfill fee which is charged by the locality (Towns) and HCSA only collects this amount for each locality.
Sewerage is based on how much water is used or consumed during the billing period. Customers that ahve "sewer only" accounts will pay a fixed amount based on a minimum usgae charge. Your rates are determined by your geographical service area and can be found in HCSA's adopted rates.
Below the service addres listed on the bill you will notice several columns. The columns will show you the service type (ie; 1100), the previous reading on your meter, the current reading, the date your meter was read and the amount (gallons) of water that was consumed. Beleow this area you will have a detail account of the services you are paying for.
In the right hand column you will see your account number and the date of your bill. This area will show any past due balalnces as well as the current charge for your past usgae and services. Below this, you will see where the current charges and past due charges are totaled to give you the amount due. The next row will list when your bill is due. You must pay your bill by 5:00 pm of the date listed. Please allow time for electronic tranfers and/or U.S. Mail delivery when scheduling your payment. Transaction times may vary and can be up to five (5) business days depending on the service of your choice. Accounts are considered past due when payment is not received twenty-one (21) days after the date of the bill.
The next row depicts your total due in addition to the late fee that you will incurr after the due date. Below this is the amount you will owe once the "cut-off" date has passed and your service will be disconnected.
Monthly Billing Dates
Bills for service are rendered Bi-monthly for residential accounts and Monthly for commercial accounts. Charges consist of a monthly service charge and a volume charge based on the usage for the billing period. Because bills are based on past usage, bills are due when rendered.
Where to Pay
Your monthly bill contains a pre-printed return envelope for your convenience. You may also pay online with OFFICIAL PAYMENTS. Payments should be mailed to:
Halifax County Service Authority (HCSA)
2529 Houghton Avenue
South Boston, VA 24592